
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Homework Set on 26th April


Please continue to practise your spellings from Spelling Shed either on the computer on a piece of paper.



Grammar Book pg 46 and 47

These focus on Standard English which is part of formal writing.  We have covered these types of sentences in class. Remember, they are about 'proper' writing.  It might help to say them aloud to see where they don't 'sound' correct.



Geometry, Measures and Statistics pg 6 and 7 Angles

These pages use the angle facts we have been learning in school over the last couple of weeks. 

You can NOT do qu 4 and 5 at home if you do not have a protractor so don't worry if you don't.  If you do have a protractor, please have a try at those questions.  (You have been told this in class as well!)
