
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Star of the Week

In Yew Class we have a Star of the Week. These are people who have worked particularly hard all week either in a particular curriculum area; on a particular skill; or have been extremely conscientious in their approach to their school-work in general.

Stars of the Week
Since April 2014:

Jess Crudge

Hector Innes

Ella Silsby

Joe Manning

Charlie Kassapian

Serena Green

Ellie Murray

Cameron Klein

Since September 2013:
Eddie Halawin
Amelie Clegg
Cameron Klein
James Kelly
Lauren Murray
Matthew Vestey
Rufus Coombe
Ella Silsby
Eleanor Murray
Dylan Bolton
Neeve Waylett
Elias Upton
Myla MacCloskey
Lily Fudge
Isobel Rossiter
Lewis Coleman
Louis Harvey
Oliver Murray
Charlie Kassapian

Matthew Ray

Lydia Rogers

Will David

Reece Turner
Aimee Coleman
Robin Chandler-Payne
Joe Manning
Hector Dunstan
Matthew Crawley

James Gailey

Serena Green

Ben Hollands

Well done!
