
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Thursday 11th June


Please visit White Rose Maths Hub and look at Summer Term week 7 lesson 4. Today we are looking at solving simple one-step equations. 

Quick SPaG


Today, we are going to focus on planning your own portal story. Nearly all portal stories follow a similar pattern: 

  • Main character (MC) finds magical portal and enters new world 
  • Describe new world 
  • MC explores this new world and encounters a problem 
  • MC has to escape and return through the portal 
  • MC cannot find portal again (sometimes brings back a momento of new world) 


Once you have identified the pattern of the story, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run free! Brainstorm lots of ideas and then decide which one captures your interest as a writer. Before you start, have a look at these top tips: 


Start in a world/a setting that you know well – it is far easier to describe something familiar to you, e.g. a garden, your school, your local town, etc. 
Use a stimulus (e.g. picture) for the new world – an image will help you focus in on the detail and describe what is there. 
Let your ideas flow – don’t worry about spelling, handwriting or presentation … you can go back and edit this later. 


Here are a couple of ideas to open your mind to the world of possibility: 

★ Using this underlying pattern, plan a few portal story ideas of your own. You may like to draw upon your own personal experience as well as your wider reading and imagination. There are two pictures below that might give you some ideas, or you could use a picture you already have as inspiration or have a look online. 


Today we are leaning about the month of Ramadan, an important month for Muslims. There are three videos to watch and three activities to try. Click here to access the lesson. 
