
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Summer 2

Y1 maths - describing position and direction using mathematical vocabulary and soft toys

History - what were the key events in Florence Nightingale’s life? Today’s skill was chronology. We looked at key events and ordered them to create timelines

Guinea pig snuggles

Storytime with the guinea pigs

PART 1 - Spirituality through play - what a wonderfully special day for KS1

Y2 Science - gathering minibeast data using our maths skills

Y1 maths - partitioning two-digit numbers

Y2 maths - comparing lengths and heights

English - researching habitats and animals for our own non-chronological reports

Y2 maths - ordering height and length. We measured ourselves and then put ourselves into height order from the shortest to the tallest.

RE - Jesus heals the blind beggar

Our report writing - we created Triarama
