
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Tuesday 19th October


We are continuing with our SPAG work today. You might want to carry on working through your SPAG booklet, as well as watching the video here. It is quite a tricky lesson on 'Expanded Noun Phrases', so make sure you are paying attention! 

Have a go at the activities set during the lesson.



We will keep working with statistics today. Have a watch of the video here and then have a go at the questions below. 


It is our PE afternoon today, so we have a couple of games you might be able to play at home today. The first one is a bit of a problem solving game, where you can compete against other members of your family. You can watch the video here and then give it a go!

Now that you are warmed up, let's see if we can be a bit more active. Have a look at the game here and then see if you can have a try. Maybe you can challenge your grown ups too!
